About Me!!

Professional Background

Hello there! My name is Luis Haroldo Castro Cabrera (long name right?) and I'm a passionate software engineer, with a diverse experience span of over 12 years, now proudly residing in the sunny Tampa, Florida. Originally from Mexico, I've bridged borders not only geographically but also within the world of programming languages.

I specialize in JavaScript, Angular and React, as they resonate with my quest for creating seamless user experiences and dynamic software solutions. Yet, my expertise doesn't stop there. I have a rich background in SQL and PL/SQL, making my skillset broad and versatile.

I've been incredibly fortunate to work extensively in the healthcare and finance industries. This has given me the opportunity to understand the unique challenges and constraints these sectors face, thereby enabling me to design effective and efficient solutions. It's been an enriching journey to develop software that has a real-world impact, helping businesses to optimize their operations and customers to enjoy better services.

Personal Interests

While I'm not architecting software systems or troubleshooting code, you'll probably find me deeply engrossed in a thrilling soccer match or immersed in an exciting video game. The same passion I bring to my professional work is reflected in my love for these activities.

I believe in lifelong learning and continuously challenge myself to improve. I strive to be better every day.

Family Life

When it comes to my personal life, I am blessed with a beautiful family - my loving wife Helly, our two wonderful children, and not to forget, our playful puppy Porkchop. They are the source of my daily inspiration and the cheerleaders behind my professional success.