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Making a Wack-A-Molee with AnalogJs - Part 2

Building a little Wack-A-Molee game using AnalogJs and Canvas - Part 2

Jun 26, 2024
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Making a Wack-A-Molee with AnalogJs - Part 1

Building a little Wack-A-Molee game using AnalogJs and Canvas - Part 1

Jun 21, 2024
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Switching to Analog SFC

Changing my blog to fully embrace the new Analog SFC authoring format with a little tanstack in there.

Apr 4, 2024
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The Importance of Soft Skills

Exploring the critical role of soft skills in tech through personal experiences, emphasizing the necessity of communication, empathy, and teamwork for professional success.

Mar 3, 2024
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Lets talk about NG

Discovering a new way of authoring your angular components, using the NG component authoring feature in AnalogJs.

Jan 13, 2024
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Unveiling Angular 17 - The Angular Renaissance

Delving into the innovative features of Angular 17 that enhance web application development.

Nov 8, 2023
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Understanding The New Control Flow And Deferred Loading in Angular

A brief analysis of the new control flow in Angular and the introduction of the Deferred blocks syntax.

Oct 6, 2023
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Learning Angular's Dependency Injection with TypeScript

A deep dive into Angular's Dependency Injection system, recreated using pure TypeScript. Understand the core concepts and the power of DI.

Sep 18, 2023
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Enhancing My AnalogJs Blog with Transloco for Seamless Translations

A step-by-step guide on how I integrated Transloco into my AnalogJs blog, ensuring content accessibility.

Sep 10, 2023
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Chronicles of the Unemployed, Week One After 12 Continuous Years of Employment

A recount of my unexpected journey through unemployment in a foreign land, navigating the challenges and complexities of the modern job market.

Aug 30, 2023
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I Achieved My First Angular Contribution!

A recount of my exploration into Angular, from my first simple contributions to understanding the intricacies of its documentation process.

Aug 21, 2023
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From Scratch to Storage, Note App with AnalogJs, tRPC, Prisma and CockroachDB

Explore the basics of AnalogJs, tRPC, Prisma ORM, and CockroachDB Cloud by building a straightforward note-taking application.

Aug 12, 2023
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The Making of my Web, an AnalogJs journey!!

Discovering AnalogJs, Building My Blog.

Aug 6, 2023
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Unlocking the Power of Micro-Frontends, A Guided Journey From Monolith to Modular

Brief overview on Micro Frontedns with Module Federation and Nx Mono Repos.

Jul 7, 2023
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My Second Open Source Contribution, The AnalogJS Journey

Venturing into the realm of open source contributions.

Jun 29, 2023